Dr. Shefali

NY Times BestSelling Author of The Conscious Parent & The Awakened Family, Oprah calls her "the most profound parenting coach"

Oprah has hailed Dr. Shefali’s work as “revolutionary.” A NYT bestselling author of two groundbreaking books on parenting, namely, The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family, Dr. Shefali brings a fresh perspective to the parenting landscape, challenging the current paradigm it is steeped in and turning it on its head. Provocative, daring and evocative, her approach teaches parents how to raise themselves – first – into the most empowered and conscious before they hope to raise their children. Dr. Shefali believes that parents need to learn to heal their own emotional baggage and raise themselves into an elevated state of awareness before they raise their children. Eliminating archaic ideals of control and punishment, she teaches parents the value of true connection overcorrection. Integrating Eastern mindfulness with Western psychology, Dr. Shefali brings a unique and fresh approach to her work, allowing parents to evolve and transcend their own limitations and sense of lack. Her work has been called profound and life-changing. You can discover more of her work on her website at https://drshefali.com/about-dr-shefali/

Where You Can Find Dr. Shefali