How We Rise Leadership Course

Realize Your Highest Potential.

Starts on June 17th. Limited Enrollment.

By saying yes to this course--you are joining a new generation of leaders who are changing the world, pursuing their highest potential, and doing it in a way where their whole life can thrive. 
  • Are you a rising corporate professional who wants to accelerate your leadership path through purpose-driven work and culture change?
  • Are you a high-achieving entrepreneur who wants to better humanity with a financially thriving business?
  • Do you already hold a position of impacting change but need greater courage and clarity to disrupt the future?
  • Are you going through a life transition where you want to ensure the rest of your life fulfills your soul and establishes a legacy?

The secret to soaring to new heights actually lies in the impact you can make for others. It lies in who can lift as you rise. It lies not in living your life in the world, but leading your life for the world. 

If this sounds like you, welcome to the coach, 8-week course, and community that will set you on a new life trajectory... and empower you to rise to become the leader that both your destiny and humanity is calling you to be. 

You are meant for extraordinary, not ordinary, and this course will give you a new perspective and meaning of your life and what it means for the world. There are 7.6 billion people on the planet but only one you and you’re meant to contribute to the future of humanity in a very specific way, no matter what the scale. And as you rise you can role model it and multiply other when we add up the accumulative power of what we can create together, we can change history and do the impossible.  Everything up to this moment in time has happened for you to bring your closer to your higher purpose, especially your obstacles. Even landing on this web page is no accident.

See the invisible, do the impossible.

The How We Rise Leadership Course is designed to help you develop clarity of purpose and vision as well as the tools to move you forward to lead change and achieve extraordinary success in all areas of your life - from where you are.

  • We’ll help you rethink what leadership is so that it is aligned with your values, your priorities and all aspects of your life, whether you work for a company or organization or own your own business, whether you're at the top of your field or are just starting out in your career, this course is for those who want to change the standard and fight for a better future.
  • We’ll help you develop an entirely new perspective on your life, one that gets you really clear on your calling for you to create an impact and make a difference for your community, family and legacy, no matter what the scale.
  • We’ll help you win the battle in your mind, get unstuck and dream beyond your wildest dreams of how to fulfill your highest potential while serving a greater good.
  • And we'll do this while also giving you concrete steps, practical tools, and a roadmap for creating a sustainable and achievable plan to get you there.


And if you are struggling or undergoing a difficult season of life, that is actually a good sign...that is a sign of growth...because we believe it is in our greatest struggles where the universe is calling on us to rise to the next level of our destiny.  

Most people choose ordinary over extraordinary. Most people choose safety over courage. This course is for those of you who raise their hand to the latter and want to live out the fullest expression of your lives and give to the world the unique genius that exists inside of you.


Over an 8-week period I will take you through 8 steps of leadership development that will empower you to:
  • Reframe your relationship with what it means to be a leader and change agent so you embody it, and believe it into reality because we only become what we believe.
  • Identify who and what you’re being called to impact and learn how to turn that mission into a movement
  • Define your purpose pathway–be it entrepreneurship, intrapraneurship or a hybrid, and “the what” you will create to affect the change you want to see, while optimizing your income and wellbeing.
  • Cultivate the habits and muscles of faith, resilience, grace, self love (to name a few)… needed to fuel your rise on your life mountain towards your highest destiny.
  • Identify your internal and external barriers, and change your relationship with obstacles as divine interventions to shape the who you are becoming.
  • Generate more inspired energy and capacity to move mountains by planning your “elevation periods” ahead.
  • Treat your whole life as the organization you’re leading so you stay focused on what matters the most in any season of life.
  • Build the community of mutually-empowering relationships that will support you to soar in your career and business




8 modules over 8 weeks with live online FAQ Sessions (recording available)



2-3 hours per week on your own schedule



Small classes mean more attention and impact

Your Schedule Is About Who You Want to Become, Not What You Get Done


Life is short. Subtract your current age from how long you might live to and that is the number of years you have to invest in what matters most and who you want to become. There isn't time to waste. That's why the results of this course is for you to...


  • Transform into who you want to become
  • Shatter your career ceiling and achieve financial breakthroughs
  • Create your legacy in the world

You Become What You Believe and the Company You Keep

The How We Rise leadership methodology believes that rising to your highest potential requires 3 steps that one must experience and cycle through every year that is: connect, educate and activate. That's why our course is designed to grow your connections, expand your education and ensure your actions in an exceptional way.

Eight Transformative Modules

You’ll be invited to eight transformative leadership modules with SHE Summit CEO and leadership expert Claudia Chan - each accessible from your computer or mobile device and a recording and transcript will be available for download.

A cohort of dedicated and passionate peers

You’ll get 2 months of free access to our private Facebook community where you can connect with your peers in your cohort, and you’ll move on to our Alumni group once you complete the program


Tools for reflection

You’ll get a reflection journal with questions related to each module for you to reflect on and answer - you may submit your responses privately as well as post in the FB group for peer feedback.


A mandate for action

You’ll get six action assignments that help you put into practice what you are learning and discovering - you will be asked to commit to one action for each module and to report back on how it went.

Access to the S.H.E. Summit livestream 

Watch powerful sessions at our flagship conference led by today's top thought leaders. Past speakers include Sarah Michelle Gellar, Deepak Chopra, Kelly Clarkson, Carla Harris, Tony Porter and others.  

Bi-Weekly live Q&A's by Claudia

Each week Claudia will hold a Facebook live to answer questions that are relevant to you and remove the obstacles for growth.


Claudia Chan

Claudia Chan is a recognized author, leadership and culture change expert, and entrepreneur dedicated to activating individuals and organizations to rise to their highest potential through leading change in the workplace and world.

She is the CEO of S.H.E. GLOBL, a coalition+content+convening platform that helps over 100 companies unlock a diverse and inclusive workforce to transform both its culture and its communities. She is the founder of their award-winning leadership conference S.H.E. Summit that has made advancing women and workplace inclusion both accessible and actionable. Cross industry companies from Deloitte, EY, Samsung, Bacardi, Home Depot, Adidas to Morgan Stanley send rising talent for leadership transformation and to connect with private and public sector influencers.  Claudia is also the author of the leadership book THIS IS HOW WE RISE: Reach Your Highest Potential, Empower Women, Lead Change in the World which was named by CNBC as a “top career book of 2018” and also featured in The New York Times. Claudia was also recently named 1 of 8 UN Women Champions for Innovation. She has been referred to as “the change-agent maker” and Fast Company has called her the “Richard Branson of women’s empowerment.”


The How We Rise Leadership Course is designed to help you redefine leadership as holistic, purpose-driven, whole life integrated and inclusive and accessible to all, and empower you to rise and become the leader that both your destiny and humanity is calling you to be.

Powerful Personal Development

Change starts from within. This course will help you understand your own purpose and vision as you develop your “me for we” mindset, get clear on your values and priorities, and get ready to lead all areas of your life holistically.

Leadership Development Rooted in Whole Life Success

Your personal development will drive your leadership development. Learn the Thirteen Foundational Pillars of Personal Leadership so you have the clarity, stamina, support and mindset to influence others and lead change towards the greater good.

Social Change and Personal Story Aligned

We believe that you unlock your potential only when you start serving. This course will help you find new meaning and satisfaction as you embrace a new definition of leadership that accelerates personal and social progress.

Course Content

Welcome to a new breed of leaders that are rising in the world, saying yes to their calling and creating a better future. We can only become what we believe so in the first week of the course, we are going to reframe your relationship with leadership so you embody it, and believe it into reality. We’re going to show you why you can and must lead change to benefit your life, your family, your legacy and humanity.

Now that you’ve raised your hand for this new leadership, we’re going to help you define who and what you’re being called to impact. Purpose can be a complex concept because it is so multifaceted. We will give you a new perspective on purpose that is “whole life integrated” and aligned with the direction of your calling. This is the first pillar of leadership that will lay the foundation for all that is to follow – the peak of the mountain and the North Star that you devote your life and time to serving.

This module focuses on visioning the next level of your business model or career strategy that you will execute on to achieve your holistic purpose. Visions are often being casted on people but most people neglect their visions. This pillar is a critical stage to help you clarify and amplify the vision and strategy for your business and career.

One of our favorite sayings: “Those who face extraordinary challenges are destined for extraordinary lives. Those who face mediocre challenges are destined for mediocre lives.” Have you ever considered that your struggles might be a sign for you to step into greater strength and success? We all face internal and external barriers on a deep level that can prevent our success and rising. Internal barriers can be connected to deeply limiting beliefs and fears seeded during our childhood or life events. External barriers are also inevitable and pervasive if we don’t name, anticipate and strategize around them. This module focuses on deep self reflection and personal development pillars to identify your core limiting beliefs and what you need to heal over and external barriers you need to break through towards your new purpose and vision of success. You will also learn how to turn your pain into positive impact and power.

See the invisible, do the impossible. With a clear purpose, vision, and a strategy to see and manage your barriers, this module builds on courage as a leadership habit, as well as building various circles of influence and a community of mutually-empowering relationships that will support you to soar in your career and business. True self-care means that you get the help, support, guidance and sustenance you need. Learn how these four pillars will help you to build a tribe and stay fueled as you rise to your highest potential to serve your purpose for the greater good.

To keep rising we need to preserve our energy and refill our engines with fuel. This module will explore new meanings of 5 less obvious leadership habits where you can draw incredible power from to accelerate success. As every leader has strengths and weaknesses in different areas, you’ll gain a personalized plan on what you need to cultivate the most to accelerate your success. Come out with of this week with a new perspective and tools to expand capacity and manage your mind to work for you, not against.

You may be thinking how much more work has been added to your plate and feel overwhelmed. This week will offer you a new strategy to define and manage all your life departments and roles in a way that feels lighter and empowered.  By treating your whole life as the organization you’re leading, you stay focused on what matters the most in any season of life. We will be designing your new life organizational chart so you gain a new, whole-life management system where success no longer comes at the expense of other life areas.

The last week pulls all we have learned to develop the articulation of your Rise Manifesto that will establish the values and mission of your business/career, as well as the strategic steps and actions required for you to elevate to the next level towards your highest destiny. We are going to aim to achieve in 1 year what would typically take 3… and leap you forward. And of course reflect on how you can use all the How We Rise principles and pillars of leadership to lead every aspect of your life with a holistic and integrated approach that allows you to thrive as a leader.

What People Say About Claudia Chan

Claudia Chan is one of the most inspiring female entrepreneurs I know. Her work has been critical in mainstreaming and modernizing women’s empowerment

Ali Brown

Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor

It is time for women to tell our new story. Claudia is a role model herself of a woman who went after her dreams to live her own truth.

Zainab Salbi

Founder, Women for Women International

I admire what Claudia Chan has achieved as a pioneer of today's women's movement S.H.E. Global Media and Summit. She has the ability to curate top-notch speakers and conversations to support women in their dreams

Alexandra Wilkis Wilson

Co-founder, Gilt and GLAMSQUAD

Claudia Chan is a force of nature for women looking to rise in their careers and lead, while constantly pulling one another ahead to realize their fullest potential. Claudia has galvanized women and started a movement with S.H.E. Summit that empowers, inspires, and connects the dots for women to be powerful and successful in their lives and careers. Her thought-provoking topics go under the soil and pull back the curtain on topics that woman most often feel are off-limits, but that are the fundamental keys to success.

Lauren Maillian

Investor, Startup Advisor, Author, Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Co-star of Oxygen’s Quit Your Day Job

Along with Sheryl Sandberg and Sallie Krawcheck, Claudia Chan has been one of the instrumental leaders empowering women to reach their fullest potential.  Her vision of mainstream empowerment and work to make it more globally accessible through the S.H.E. Summit platform has been impressive and courageous. And she is extremely thoughtful about educating women to recruit men in her work.

John Gerzema

CEO, BAV Consulting

Claudia Chan is a revolutionary who understands how important women’s release from diminishing social expectations are to everyone’s prosperity. She inspired me to launch my financial services company when she asked me “Who are the banks that support women?” When I couldn’t answer her, I realized I had to do it myself. She’s an instigator to many women stepping up into previously unimaginable roles of power and influence. This book will do the same for you

Amanda Steinberg

Founder & CEO, Daily Worth

Founding Member Pricing

Leadership starts where you are, inspired by a true purpose and the greater good. Become the leader that your destiny and humanity is calling you to be. The inaugural round of the How We Rise Leadership Course starts on June 17th. There is limited enrollment. Sign up now to take advantage of our Introductory Pricing and get over $10,800 worth of value for the price of our course.




8 Transformative Modules

Live Bi-Weekly Q&A's With Claudia ($7,500 value, but Priceless)

2 Months Free of our Private Facebook Group with a Supportive, Dedicated & Passionate Community (Priceless)

Access to the 8th Annual 2019 S.H.E. Summit VIP LiveStream ($497 value)

Tools for Reflection ($597 value)

Action Assignments (Priceless)

Bonus Resources ($297 value)