It’s no secret that working mothers can often be short on time, stressed out, and feel like they’re pulled in a million different directions. Fairygodboss has polled several of our users to collect their tactics for managing the infamous juggle of career and parenting. Here are some of the greatest nuggets we heard:

1. Plan Ahead. Several women we spoke with talked about how by getting out ahead of their responsibilities (and necessities), they can feel less hectic when they’re in the thick of things during their busy week. “I cook the majority of my son’s meals on Sundays so I don’t have to think about it during the week,” said Camille. Georgene, my partner, cooks dinner in the morning so it’s out of the way. Rachel said, “I’m not sure I even want to admit this, but I always shower the night before. Mornings are so hectic — between making breakfast, making lunch, getting the kids and myself dressed…It’s such a time saver.”

2. Outsource, Delegate…and Order In. Celine told us, “Hire someone to clean your house. Otherwise, it is such a time suck, and it’s last thing you need to do at the end of the day or on the weekend.” Camille agreed, “We use a cloth diaper service and bring in a house cleaner as needed.” Laura, who lives in New York City, said, “I hate to confess just how often I order in dinner. Seamless is my best friend. But otherwise, I feel like the time I’d spend making dinner would come right out of the time I have to spend with my kids.” And don’t forget to delegate to…your kids. Anni tells us, “I encourage my daughter to throw away all her own garbage, put her own laundry in the hamper, and help put away folded clothes. It can end up saving a minute here and there.”

3. Involve Your Spouse. Type-A women who soar to the tops of their careers can often find it hard to loosen the reins and ask for help at home. (That’s not something I would know anything about. Ha.) Several women told us that carving out time and responsibilities for their husbands and partners was essential — for efficiency’s sake, and also for relationship building. “Make sure my husband has proper bonding time with our son – i.e. he puts him to bed most nights, and gives him his daily baths,” said Camille. That gives me time to rest, relax, and recharge for the next workday.

[Click here to read 4 more things you can learn from working moms]

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