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This episode focuses on an important attribute of new leadership – inclusion. Inclusion is imperative for quality leadership. The best way to look at being an inclusive leader is to think from a ‘me for we’ mindset. You must be willing to show up as your true, authentic self (me) and create a space for others to feel comfortable as their true, authentic selves (we).


On a “me” level, our biggest challenges are a combination of internal and external barriers. Our own core limiting beliefs, insecurities, and self-doubt often keep us from showing others our authentic selves. External barriers such as environments, inequity, discrimination and judgement also hinder us from feeling comfortable with who we truly are.

On a “we” level, biases are the real challenge. It’s impossible to ignore that we all come from different backgrounds and we all have natural, unconscious biases. If we don’t acknowledge, address and work on curbing these biases, we miss out on our own potential and the community and workplace lose out.


The“me” level solution is about doing the work to change our behavior. We need to be transparent and vulnerable, but also courageous and bold. We need to heal ourselves in order to have those breakthroughs and become who we fully are and feel confident.

On a “we” level, we need to cultivate the traits of understanding, compassion, curiosity, open-mindedness, so that others feel comfortable showing up as their true selves. We need to work on connecting people and not being afraid of what we don’t know. The more we can connect and get to know each other in a real way, the more magic happens.

Diversity and Inclusion go hand-in-hand, but the distinction is so important. Diversity is really about talent acquisition and who your employee base is made up of, and inclusion is more about creating the environment and the culture that makes that diverse pool of people feel that they belong and are valued.  Equality has to be both measured and felt. It’s more than just a quota of numbers. It’s more than just a “nice to have” part of business. It is an integral part of business. Companies and entities don’t drive change, it is the people inside that do.

Show Notes:

  • Barriers: 00:06:25
  • Solutions: 00:10:32
  • Unconscious biases: 00:08:00
  • Vulnerability:  00:10:55
  • Inclusiveness in relationships and family: 00:18:00
  • Diversity vs Inclusion: 00:23:00


  • Brene Brown 00:11:00
  • Dr. Shefali 00:19:30

Once you’ve listened, please connect with us!  Tell us what you do to be inclusive in your personal and professional life. What do you do to make others feel comfortable as their authentic selves? How do you combat unconscious bias?

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